"Keeping it all styled after Barb Goedde’s journals/in this sort of scrapbook fashion kept me engaged, and felt true to the way queer people have to be our own historians"
"Impressed by scope & depth of exhibit; great treatment of history & context while being respectful of different contributions & experiences across diverse communities!"
"Seeing how much there was felt overwhelming in a good way. I grew up about 45 minutes outside of Saint Louis, and I had very little representation. Seeing that we’ve always been here was so important for me."
Gateway to Pride exhibit shares the joys and struggles of queer people in St. Louis | St. Louis Public Radio
Missouri History Museum Illuminates St. Louis’ LGBTQ+ History in Gateway to Pride Exhibit | Out In STL
"Gateway to Pride" preserves local LGBTQ+ history for the future | St. Louis Magazine
Flash Session at AAM 2025 Annual Meeting Gateway to Pride: An LGBTQIA+ History Initiative in “Flyover Country”